ABCs (Airway, Breathing and circulation) before starting any pharmacologic intervention.
Place patients in the lateral decubitus position to avoid aspiration of emesis and to prevent epiglottis closure over the glottis.
Make further adjustments of the head and neck if necessary to improve airway patency.
Immobilize the cervical spine if trauma is suspected.
Administer 100% oxygen by facemask.
Assist ventilation and use artificial airways (eg. endotracheal intubation) as needed.
Suction secretions and decompress the stomach with a nasogastric tube.
Maintain normothermia
Cefotaxime, acyclovir and erythromycin are recommended if aetiology is uncertain and acyclovir should always be used for focal fits of unknown cause
In the first 5 minutes of seizure activity, try to establish IV access and samples for blood glucose, calcium, magnesium, electrolytes, ABG, CBC, blood culture, etc.
Send urine for microscopy and toxicology.
If serum glucose is low or cannot be measured, give children 2 mL/kg of 25% glucose.
If the seizure fails to stop within 5 minutes, prompt administration of anticonvulsants may be indicated.
Lorazepam (0.1 mg/kg IV or IO slowly infused over 2-5 min); or diazepam per rectum at 0.5 mg/kg, not to exceed 10 mg
Phenytoin or fosphenytoin, not to exceed infusion rate of 1 mg/kg/min; if unsuccessful, phenobarbital 10-20 mg/kg IV (not to exceed 700 mg IV); increase
infusion rate by 100 mg/min; phenobarbital may be used in infants before phenytoin
Refractor Seizures: Convulsive status epilepticus that is refractory to a benzodiazepine and an appropriate longer-acting anticonvulsant occurs in
approximately 40% of cases and is associated with higher morbidity and mortality. Please follow the steps below to manage the refractory convulsions.
Midazolam, loading dose 0.1-0.3 mg/kg IV followed by continuous IV infusion at a rate of 0.1-0.3 mg/kg/h
Thiopentol anaesthesia (patient already intubated); load by 4 mg/kg and maintain at 1 mg/kg/hr, increase by 1 mg/kg/hr, max 6 mg/kg/hr. Discontinue
midazolam infusion.
If difficulty weaning Thiopental, then restart Midazolam infusion during weaning.
Consider Pyridoxine 100mg IV if under 18 months old.
Consider urgent CT- Brain, if any suspicion of raised intracranial pressure. If proved, intravenous mannitol should be considered.
Continuous EEG monitoring can be very helpful particularly to detect non convulsive seizures.
Do not perform lumbar puncture in the acute state.
Maintain therapeutic drug levels.
Continue baseline antiepileptic drugs when possible.