You may not be aware about the symptoms and signs of strokes and fortunately they are not quite common in young children. Stroke refers to the blockage of blood flow or the causation of bleeding in the brain that can happen at any age. It is a false notion that only adults have strokes. Even newborns or young kids can also suffer a stroke. That’s why it becomes extremely crucial to acknowledge the signs and symptoms of stroke and be aware of all the risk factors for all ages. 

As a parent, you know your child best! And with the stroke, time is of the abstract. You should briefly discuss with doctors regarding the unusual signs and symptoms that you are noticing. Here are seven signs of stroke that you must notice in your infant:

  • Acute and sudden headache with vomiting and drowsiness.
  • Vision loss or double vision.
  • Extreme intractable dizziness.
  • Loss of balance or coordination. 
  • Seizure on one side of the body.
  • Weakness or numbness on one side of the body.
  • Difficulty in speaking or understanding others.

In a young age, it’s highly possible to misunderstand or miss the signs of stroke. As stroke is not usual in babies, kids or adolescents, doctors may characterize the symptoms to a more common disease. If your child is abnormally drowsy or has been vomiting unnecessarily or has severe headache, the pediatrician may conjecture a stomach bug. 

On the other hand, if your child has focal weakness or double vision- these are too the symptoms of stroke. Especially in the young years of child, the speech is generally unclear and he may be unable to communicate about double vision. These circumstances create challenges in clarifying the symptoms but you should never hesitate to reach out to the doctor if you suspect that something is unusual with your child.


First and foremost, you should remember the number of your doctor so that you can get help quickly if it seems that your child had a stroke. It is important that your child gets fast treatment because it can majorly limit the brain damage. It can also avert permanent complications such as vision problems, weakness or seizures.

Experts advise that the approach of the treatment depends on the factors such as what caused the stroke in the first place! Doctors treat adults with pharmaceuticals that dissolves blockage. 

Regarding the child, doctors are more concerned on identifying the causes and treating the child in accordance with the condition. Augmenting your child’s developmental capacities and recovery following the strokes needs a comprehensive team approach inclusive of occupational, physical and speech therapy as appropriate.