Epilepsy: Overview, Symptoms & Treatment

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Epilepsy is defined as a common brain condition that causes recurring seizures. People having epilepsy often experience repeated seizures mainly caused due to a disruption of electrical activities in the brain. Additionally, these disrupted electrical activities temporarily disturbs the messaging system between brain cells, causing the seizures.


The main symptoms of epilepsy are seizures. However, a person may experience one or more of these symptoms which often calls for proper medical attention and may also indicate a confirmed epilepsy;
– A convulsion without a fever.
– Short blackouts/ confused memory.
– Temporary unresponsiveness to questions or instructions.
– Sudden stiffness.
– Abruptly falling.
– Chewing involuntarily.
– Panic or anger etc.


The treatment for epilepsy include medications such as nerve pain medicines, sedative, and anticonvulsant; surgery of particular nerves; and specialist therapy treatments like Neurologists, Primary Care Provider (PCP) or Emergency Medicine Doctor.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]