Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that majorly affects the behavior of people. People with ADHD may appear to be nervous, agitated, have an issue with concentration, and can be impulsive. Generally, the early symptoms of ADHD start showing early when the child is aged between 6 to 12 years old. Symptoms become more visible when the change in a child’s circumstances, mainly when they start going to school.

However, the symptoms of ADHD usually get refined with age; many adults who got diagnosed with this condition at a very young age continue to encounter a lot of problems. People with ADHD may also face severe additional issues such as acute anxiety disorder and insomnia.

The exact root cause of ADHD is still yet to be known, but it exhibits its genetic run in the family. Research has shown the number of specific differences in the brains of people with ADHD compared to the people without this condition. Many other prominent factors are responsible for the cause of ADHD, which include: premature birth, low birth weight, and excessive smoking or drug abuse during pregnancy. ADHD can happen to people of any intellectual ability, but certainly, it is most common among people with learning difficulties.


Symptoms of ADHD can be classified into two types of behavioral problems: absent-minded and hyperactivity and impulsive. Generally, people with ADHD have issues categorized in these two classifications, but this is not always the case. For example- some people may face inattentiveness, but they are not impulsive and hyperactive. Doctors term this kind of condition as ADD (attention deficit disorder). ADD sometimes may unknowingly go unnoticed because the symptoms may not be that evident.

However, it is not always the case that children are diagnosed with these symptoms. The other conditions, along with ADHD, are anxiety disorder, Tourette’s syndrome, dyslexia, sleeping problems, depression, and oppositional defiant disorder(ODD). Researches have shown that children born in such circumstances are more prone to be diagnosed with ADHD, such as birth before the 37th week of the month, with brain damage (happened in either in the womb or after a severe head injury during an accident in later life).


Treatment for ADHD can improve the concerned child’s abilities, give them relief from symptoms, and make the condition less problematic in day-to-day life. It can be treated with medicine or therapy sessions, but the combination of both is indeed impactful and best. Treatment is generally organized by a pediatrician specialist, though GP strictly monitors the overall condition.

Medicines play a significant role in the treatment of a child with ADHD. However, they are not a complete cure for this condition, but they make them more concentrated, less impulsive, and learn or grasp new skills. If your child is prescribed medicines, it is essential to start with less dosage and gradually increase it accordingly. Along with these, keep in touch with GP for regular checkups and ensure that the treatment is working successfully. Behavior therapy also efficient and usually involves teachers and parents. It is typically a session that requires behavior management, which uses a reward technique to encourage the child to control their ADHD. Teachers and parents learn about planning and managing a child’s activities and motivate him to progress. Diet and supplements are indeed essential factors, and parents must closely monitor the adequate intake of supplements.