Academic experience: Various national international presentations as well publications as below
Massimilano Memo, Nigel F, R K Jain, et al.Skeletal Muscle Myopathy Mutations at the Actin-Tropomyosin Interface that Cause Gain Or Loss of Function.Biophysical Journal Jan 2012.102(3) pp. 231a
S Jaipal, C Mcdonald, J Hul, S Jaiwant, R Jain. Recurrent apnoeas in an infant with Prader-Willi syndrome. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology supp.1 January 2013 Vol. 53
G Anand, AB Padeniya, R Jain, et al. Video EEG (vEEG) outcome on children referred following a single unprovoked afebrile seizure. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology supp1 January 2012; 54: 67-67
Jain R K,Jayawant S, Squier W, Muntoni F, Sewry CA et al (2012) Nemaline myopathy with stiffness and hypertonia associated with an ACTA1mutation. Neurol 78(14): 1100 1103
Jain R, Jayawant S, et al Hypertonic nemaline myopathy: a novel disease entity (accepted in journal of ‘NEUROLOGY/2011/395210)
G Anand, AB Padeniya, R Jain, MG Pike, et al. Video EEG (vEEG) outcome on children referred following a single unprovoked afebrile seizure. Arch Dis Child. 2012 Jan; 97(1):90. Epub 2011 Oct 6
Jain R,Jayawant S. Evaluation of the floppy infant. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health Nov 2011; 21: 495-500
G Anand, AB Padeniya, R Jain, MG Pike, et al. Electro-clinical outcome of children referred with suspected absence seizures. Arch Dis Child.
2011 Oct; 96(10): 987-8. Epub 2011 Sep 8
AB Padeniya, R Jain, G Anand, MG Pike, MA Mcshane, et al. The EEG in children referred for suspected epileptic absences: How often is it
diagnostic? Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology supp.1 January 2011 Vol. 53
Jain R, Anslow P, Pike MG. An unusual cause of head drops. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 15 (2011), pp, 78-80
Jefferson RJ, Absoud M, Jain R, Livingston JH, Van Der Knaap MS, Jayawant S. Alexander s disease with periventricular calcification: a novel mutation of the GFAP gene. Dev Med Child Neurol. Dec 2010. 1469-8749.2010.03784.
R Jain, RJ Jefferson, S Jayawant, H Stewart, R Birch, SM Zuberi. An infantile onset epileptic encephalopathy associated with a homozygous
missense variant in the SCN1A gene. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology supp.1 January 2010 Vol. 52
R Jain, V Gowda, L Matthews, D Briley, T McShane, W Kueker. Endovascular thrombolysis for cerebral venous sinus thrombosis.
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. supp.1 January 2010 Vol. 52
R Jain, S Jayawant. A stiff baby – a diagnostic dilemma. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology. Sep 2009. supp. 1 Vol. 13
R Jain, P Anslow, MG Pike. Congenital vertical oculomotor apraxia – due to ante-natal vessel of Percheron stroke. European Journal ofPaediatric Neurology. Sep 2009. suppp.1. Vol 13
J Cabrera-Abreu, R Jain, P Robinson, S Edees, and T Staughton. A case of aspartate aminotransferase macroenzyme. Ann ClinBiochem Jul
2007, 45(3): 320-322
R Jain, M Absoud, S Allen, C Fulford, RJ Jefferson. Developmental Coordination Disorder: How can we rationalise resources?
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. Supp. 112. Jan 2008 Vol. 50
R Jain, M Absoud, S Allen, C Fulford, RJ Jefferson. Developmental Coordination Disorder: How can we rationalise resources? Archives of
Disease in Paedaitrics and Child Health May 2008. Supp. 1 Vol. 93
R Jain, Mansy S Ambulatory Care: Essential Paediatric Service. Kent and Sussex Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Feb 07
S Jaipal, C Mcdonald, J Hul, S Jaiwant, R Jain. Recurrent apnoeas in an infant with Prader-Willi syndrome. Poster presentation, BPNA Annualconference, Edinburgh. Jan 2013
G Anand, AB Padeniya, R Jain, MG Pike, et al. Video EEG (vEEG) outcome on children referred following a single unprovoked afebrile
seizure. Poster presentation, BPNA Annual conference, London. Jan 2012
The EEG in children referred for suspected epileptic absences: How often is it diagnostic. Poster presentation, BPNA Annual conference, Edinburgh. Jan 2011
An infantile onset epileptic encephalopathy associated with a homozygous missense variant in the SCN1A gene. Platform presentation, BPNA
(British Paediatric Neurology Association) Annual conference, Edinburgh. Jan 2010
Endovascular thrombolysis for cerebral venous sinus thrombosis
Poster presentation, BPNA Annual conference, Edinburgh. Jan 2010
Paediatric grand round, JRH, Oxford. April 2009
Epilepsy Network Meeting, High Wycombe, March 2009
M4 corridor meeting, Swindon. March 2009
A stiff baby a diagnostic dilemma. Platform presentation, EPNS (European Paediatric Neurology Society) conference, Harrogate. Sep 2009
Congenital vertical oculomotor apraxia due to ante-natal vessel of Percheron stroke.
Poster presentation. EPNS conference, Harrogate. Sep 2009
Paediatric grand round, JRH, Oxford. Dec. 2008
A Baby with head drop: M4 meeting, Swindon. Nov 08
Developmental Coordination Disorder: How can we rationalise resources? Platform presentation in RCPCH (Royal College of Paediatrics and ;Child Health) Annual conference, York. April 2006
Developmental Coordination Disorder: How can we rationalise resources? Poster presentation in BPNA Annual conference, Leeds. Jan 08
Herpes encephalitis: Epilepsy network meeting, Oxford, Sep 06